About me
I studied education, philosophy and psychology at the Freie Universität zu Berlin / Germany, where I obtained a Master’s degree.
I then completed a four-year training as a systemic therapist/family therapist at SIE – Systemisches Institut Euregio, in Aachen / Germany.
I have worked for many years as a family therapist in Cologne / Germany for LOGO gGmbH, a public organisation specialising in youth welfare, working with families, couples, children and young people.
Since January 2022 I have been working independently as a systemic therapist/family therapist. I receive clients in my practice rooms in 24290 Saint-Léon-sur-Vézère or in 24290 Montignac-Lascaux.
I also teach as a systemic training therapist at SIE – Systemisches Institute Euregio in Aachen, Germany (website in German).